It is possible to create collections of mini-courses. Moreover, you can share your collections, just like your mini-courses. This feature makes it possible offer your content to your audience in bundle forms, and also view your dashboard in a more organized way, too.
To create a collection, go to your dashboard and click “Add Collection”
Do not forget to name your collection!
You can reposition your collection columns simply by dragging them.
You can create a mini-course directly under a collection with “Add Mini-Course” button.
You can create a mini-course directly under a collection by creating a title, description and thumbnail, all of which will be seen on the collection page.
To list an already existing mini-course under a collection, it is enough to simply drag it under the collection.
To edit the title, description and thumbnail of an already existing mini-course, open the mini-course and find the General tab under settings.
To preview, share, rename, or delete a collection, click the dots menu.
Creating and presenting collections enables magnificent use-cases. Click here to read more and get inspired.
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